Game Description

"I Commissioned Some Frogs" is a quirky and charming indie game that puts you in the shoes of a whimsical artist who has a unique obsession with frogs. In this delightful simulation game, you play as an eccentric artist who has decided to commission a series of frog-themed artworks to showcase your love for these amphibious creatures.

The game starts off with you visiting a bustling frog market, where you can choose from a variety of different frogs to commission for your artwork. From colorful tree frogs to majestic bullfrogs, the possibilities are endless. Each frog comes with its own unique characteristics and personality, adding a fun and whimsical element to the game.

Once you've selected your frog, it's time to get creative! Use a variety of tools and materials to create your masterpiece, whether it's a painting, sculpture, or even a digital art piece. Experiment with different styles and techniques to bring your frog to life in a way that reflects your artistic vision.

But the fun doesn't stop there! As you complete each commission, you'll unlock new frogs, tools, and locations to explore. Travel to exotic frog habitats, attend frog-themed events, and even meet other frog enthusiasts who share your love for these quirky creatures.

"I Commissioned Some Frogs" is more than just a game about art and frogs – it's a celebration of creativity, imagination, and the joy of bringing something unique and special into the world. So dive into this whimsical world, unleash your inner artist, and let your love for frogs inspire you to create something truly extraordinary.

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