Game Description

Welcome to Bargain Platformer, the quirky and charming indie game that will have you jumping, dodging, and collecting your way through a world of discounts and deals! In this whimsical platformer, you play as Penny, a plucky young adventurer on a quest to save her village from the evil Discount King who has stolen all the treasures and hidden them in his treacherous bargain-filled lair.

As Penny, you'll navigate through a variety of levels filled with obstacles, enemies, and of course, plenty of bargains to be had. From bouncing on trampolines to swinging on ropes, each level offers a unique challenge that will test your platforming skills and reflexes. But don't worry, Penny is equipped with a trusty pair of spring-loaded shoes that will help her reach new heights and outmaneuver her foes.

But it's not all about jumping and dodging in Bargain Platformer. Along the way, you'll also encounter friendly NPCs who will offer you side quests and rewards for completing them. From rescuing lost kittens to delivering packages, there's always something new and exciting to do in this vibrant world.

And let's not forget about the treasures hidden throughout the Discount King's lair. From shiny coins to rare artifacts, collecting these treasures will not only help you progress through the game but also unlock secret areas and bonus levels for even more platforming fun.

With its charming pixel art style, catchy soundtrack, and addictive gameplay, Bargain Platformer is sure to keep you entertained for hours on end. So grab your controller and get ready to embark on a thrilling adventure filled with discounts, deals, and daring escapades. Are you ready to help Penny save her village and defeat the Discount King once and for all? Let's find out in Bargain Platformer!

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