Game Description

In the bustling metropolis of Barista City, there exists a quaint little coffee shop known as "Coffee, Plis". This charming establishment is run by a young and ambitious barista named Mia, who has a passion for creating the perfect cup of coffee for her customers. However, Mia's coffee shop is facing tough competition from the larger chain coffee shops that have been popping up around the city.

As the player, you step into the shoes of Mia and must help her save her beloved coffee shop from being overrun by the corporate giants. Your mission is to serve delicious coffee to a variety of quirky and demanding customers, each with their own unique preferences and personalities. From the busy business executive in need of a quick pick-me-up to the hipster artist looking for the trendiest latte art, you must cater to their specific needs and earn their loyalty.

But it's not just about making coffee – you must also manage the day-to-day operations of the coffee shop, including ordering supplies, hiring staff, and keeping the shop clean and organized. As you progress through the game, you can unlock new recipes, equipment, and decorations to customize your shop and attract more customers.

In addition to running the coffee shop, you can also participate in coffee competitions and festivals to showcase your skills and earn recognition in the coffee community. Compete against other baristas in latte art contests, brewing competitions, and more to prove that "Coffee, Plis" is the best coffee shop in Barista City.

With its charming pixel art style, catchy soundtrack, and addictive gameplay, "Coffee, Plis" is a delightful and engaging simulation game that will challenge your time management and customer service skills. So grab your apron, fire up the espresso machine, and get ready to brew up some fun in this charming and heartwarming adventure!

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