Game Description

Welcome to "Use Your Psychic Powers at Applebee's", the most mind-bending and hilarious game you'll ever play! Step into the shoes of a psychic waiter/waitress at the one and only Applebee's restaurant, where you'll use your telekinetic abilities to serve customers, clean tables, and navigate the chaotic world of casual dining.

In this zany and whimsical game, you'll start off as a rookie psychic server with just a few basic powers. But as you progress through the levels and impress your customers with your supernatural skills, you'll unlock new psychic abilities that will help you become the ultimate server at Applebee's.

From levitating plates to reading minds to predicting orders before they're even placed, the possibilities are endless in "Use Your Psychic Powers at Applebee's". But be careful - with great power comes great responsibility, and you'll need to use your psychic abilities wisely to keep the customers happy and the restaurant running smoothly.

As you work your way through the various challenges and obstacles that come your way, you'll encounter a colorful cast of characters, from demanding food critics to unruly children to celebrity guests who are in need of some extra special treatment. Can you juggle all of their needs and keep your psychic powers in check?

With its quirky humor, vibrant graphics, and addictive gameplay, "Use Your Psychic Powers at Applebee's" is sure to keep you entertained for hours on end. So grab your apron, dust off your crystal ball, and get ready to serve up some psychic fun at Applebee's!

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