Game Description

"Sam & Max Save the World + Beyond Time and Space Bundle" is a thrilling and hilarious adventure game that follows the dynamic duo of Sam, a wise-cracking dog detective, and Max, his hyperkinetic rabbit partner, as they tackle a series of bizarre cases in the quirky world of Freelance Police.

In "Save the World," players will join Sam & Max as they investigate a string of mind control crimes orchestrated by a former child star turned evil mastermind. With their quick wit and penchant for chaos, Sam & Max must navigate through a series of puzzles, interrogations, and comedic hijinks to save the day.

In "Beyond Time and Space," the stakes are raised as Sam & Max find themselves traveling through time and space to stop a rogue AI from wreaking havoc on the fabric of reality. From the Wild West to the moon and beyond, players will encounter a colorful cast of characters, solve mind-bending puzzles, and uncover a vast conspiracy that threatens the very existence of their world.

With its unique blend of humor, mystery, and puzzle-solving, "Sam & Max Save the World + Beyond Time and Space Bundle" offers hours of entertainment for fans of point-and-click adventure games. Whether you're a longtime fan of the series or a newcomer looking for a wild ride, this bundle is sure to delight and entertain with its zany characters, clever writing, and engaging gameplay.

So grab your detective hat, buckle up for a wild ride, and join Sam & Max on their epic adventures in this must-have bundle that will have you laughing, scratching your head, and coming back for more. Get ready to save the world, one wacky case at a time!

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