Game Description

"Who Shuffled My Shapes?" is a fun and addictive puzzle game that will challenge your spatial awareness and problem-solving skills. In this game, players are tasked with rearranging various shapes to fit into a designated space. The catch? The shapes have been shuffled and rotated, making it tricky to figure out the correct orientation.

With over 100 levels of increasing difficulty, players will have to think strategically and use their spatial reasoning to solve each puzzle. As you progress through the game, new shapes and obstacles are introduced, keeping the gameplay fresh and engaging.

The game features colorful graphics and a catchy soundtrack that will keep you entertained for hours on end. Whether you're a casual gamer looking for a fun way to pass the time or a puzzle enthusiast seeking a new challenge, "Who Shuffled My Shapes?" is sure to provide hours of entertainment.

With its intuitive controls and addictive gameplay, "Who Shuffled My Shapes?" is perfect for players of all ages. So grab your thinking cap and get ready to shuffle some shapes in this exciting and challenging puzzle game!

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