Game Description

In "The Sims 4: Werewolves", players will embark on an exciting supernatural journey where they can unleash their inner beast and experience the thrill of being a werewolf in the virtual world of The Sims.

As the moon rises and the night falls, players will have the opportunity to transform into a powerful werewolf with enhanced strength, speed, and senses. They will roam the streets under the light of the full moon, howling at the night sky and hunting for prey. But being a werewolf is not all about hunting and causing chaos - players will also have to navigate the challenges of balancing their human and wolf sides, managing their werewolf transformations, and keeping their monstrous urges in check.

In "The Sims 4: Werewolves", players can customize their werewolf characters with unique fur patterns, eye colors, and facial features, allowing them to create their own pack of werewolves with distinct personalities and traits. They can also build and decorate their own werewolf lairs, complete with cozy dens, eerie forests, and moonlit meadows where their werewolves can roam freely and interact with other supernatural creatures.

Players will also have the opportunity to explore new gameplay features and interactions specific to werewolves, such as forming alliances with other werewolf packs, participating in moonlit rituals, and unlocking special abilities and powers unique to their werewolf characters. They can also engage in thrilling werewolf vs. vampire battles, uncover hidden secrets of the supernatural world, and discover the true nature of their werewolf lineage.

"The Sims 4: Werewolves" offers a fresh and immersive gameplay experience for fans of both The Sims franchise and supernatural genres. With stunning graphics, realistic werewolf animations, and a captivating storyline, this expansion pack will transport players into a world where the line between human and beast blurs, and the moon holds the key to unlocking their true potential as a werewolf. Are you ready to embrace the call of the wild and unleash your inner werewolf in The Sims 4? Join the pack and embark on an unforgettable adventure in "The Sims 4: Werewolves"!

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