Game Description

Welcome to the enchanting city of Paris, where the streets are filled with hidden secrets and mysteries waiting to be uncovered. But in this whimsical adventure game, the biggest mystery of all is the whereabouts of the hidden cats of Paris!

In "Hidden Cats in Paris", players take on the role of a curious cat lover who has been tasked with finding and rescuing all the missing felines scattered throughout the city. From the bustling streets of Montmartre to the cozy cafes of Le Marais, each location holds a new challenge and a new cat waiting to be found.

With stunning hand-drawn graphics and a charming soundtrack inspired by French jazz, players will be immersed in the beauty and magic of Paris as they search for the elusive cats. Each cat has its own unique personality and backstory, adding depth and emotion to the game as players uncover the stories behind their disappearances.

But be warned, not all cats are easy to find! Some may be hiding in plain sight, while others may require solving puzzles or completing tasks to earn their trust. As players progress through the game, they will unlock new abilities and tools to help them in their search, from a magnifying glass to uncover hidden clues to a bag of treats to lure shy cats out of hiding.

"Hidden Cats in Paris" is not just a game about finding cats, but also about exploring the rich history and culture of one of the most iconic cities in the world. Players will learn fun facts about famous landmarks, discover hidden gems off the beaten path, and meet quirky characters who will help them on their quest.

So grab your map and your keen eye, and get ready to embark on a purr-fectly delightful adventure in the City of Light. Can you find all the hidden cats in Paris and solve the mystery of their disappearance? The fate of these furry friends is in your hands! Bonne chance!

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