Game Description

"4=10" is a mind-bending puzzle game that will challenge your logic and math skills like never before. In this unique and innovative game, players are tasked with manipulating numbers and symbols to create equations that equal 10. Sounds simple, right? Think again.

The game starts off easy enough, with basic addition and subtraction problems to solve. But as you progress through the levels, the challenges become increasingly complex and require strategic thinking and careful planning to solve. Players must carefully place numbers and symbols on a grid to create equations that add up to 10 in each row and column.

But it's not just about finding the right numbers and symbols to add up to 10. Players must also consider the order in which they place them, as well as the interactions between different equations on the grid. With each level presenting new obstacles and twists, "4=10" keeps players on their toes and constantly thinking outside the box.

The game features sleek and minimalist graphics that are both visually appealing and easy on the eyes. The calming soundtrack sets the perfect tone for focusing and concentrating on the challenging puzzles ahead. With over 100 levels to conquer, "4=10" offers hours of addictive gameplay that will keep players coming back for more.

Whether you're a math whiz looking for a new challenge or just someone who enjoys a good brain teaser, "4=10" is sure to provide hours of entertainment and mental stimulation. So grab your thinking cap and get ready to put your math skills to the test in this innovative and addictive puzzle game. Are you up for the challenge?

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