Game Description

"Dead by Daylight: Macabre Tales Pack" is the ultimate horror experience for fans of the popular multiplayer survival game. This expansion pack takes players deeper into the twisted world of the Entity, offering new challenges, characters, and environments to explore.

In this pack, players will encounter three new survivors, each with their own unique abilities and backstories. From a cunning detective to a mysterious psychic, these characters bring a fresh perspective to the game and offer new ways to outsmart the killer.

Speaking of killers, the Macabre Tales Pack introduces two new terrifying antagonists to the mix. From a vengeful spirit seeking revenge on those who wronged her to a deranged circus performer with a deadly sense of humor, these killers will keep players on their toes as they navigate the treacherous landscapes of the Entity's realm.

But it's not just the characters that make this expansion pack stand out. The Macabre Tales Pack also includes new maps, offering players the chance to explore eerie locations such as abandoned asylums, haunted forests, and twisted carnival grounds. Each map is meticulously designed to create a sense of dread and unease, making every match feel like a pulse-pounding race for survival.

In addition to the new characters and maps, the Macabre Tales Pack also introduces a host of new perks, items, and customization options for players to experiment with. Whether you prefer to play as a stealthy survivor or a ruthless killer, there's something in this expansion pack for everyone.

Overall, "Dead by Daylight: Macabre Tales Pack" is a must-have for fans of the base game looking to expand their horizons and dive deeper into the world of the Entity. With its chilling atmosphere, diverse cast of characters, and thrilling gameplay mechanics, this expansion pack is sure to keep players on the edge of their seats for hours on end. Are you brave enough to face the horrors that await in the Macabre Tales Pack?

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