Game Description

"Three Pigeons in a Trench Coat" is a quirky and charming indie game that puts players in control of three pigeons who are trying to pass themselves off as a human by standing on each other's shoulders and wearing a trench coat. The game is set in a bustling city full of bustling streets, towering skyscrapers, and bustling cafes, all teeming with unsuspecting humans who must be fooled into thinking the pigeons are just another ordinary person.

Players must navigate the city streets, avoiding obstacles and blending in with the crowd as they make their way to various locations to complete missions and gather items to help them in their quest to pass as a human. From sneaking past security guards to blending in at a fancy gala, the pigeons must use their unique abilities and work together to overcome challenges and outsmart their human counterparts.

The game features charming pixel art graphics and a whimsical soundtrack that perfectly captures the humor and lighthearted nature of the game. With its clever puzzles, hilarious scenarios, and endearing characters, "Three Pigeons in a Trench Coat" offers a fresh and entertaining take on the stealth and puzzle genres.

As players progress through the game, they will uncover the pigeons' backstory and motivations, as well as discover the true meaning of friendship and teamwork. With its engaging gameplay, charming story, and delightful sense of humor, "Three Pigeons in a Trench Coat" is sure to delight players of all ages and leave them wanting more. So grab your trench coat and join these plucky pigeons on their hilarious and heartwarming adventure through the city streets!

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