Game Description

In the world of high school drama, there is nothing quite like dealing with a bully. But what if that bully was also your crush? Enter "My Sweet Bully," a unique and captivating visual novel game that explores the complex dynamics of teenage relationships.

In this game, you play as a shy and introverted high school student who finds themselves the target of the school's resident bad boy/girl. But as you navigate through the halls of high school, you begin to realize that there is more to your bully than meets the eye. As you interact with them, you uncover their hidden vulnerabilities and insecurities, leading to a deeper understanding of their behavior.

As you spend more time with your bully, you begin to develop feelings for them, blurring the lines between love and hate. Will you be able to break down their walls and find a connection that goes beyond the surface? Or will you be consumed by the toxic dynamic of your relationship?

"My Sweet Bully" offers players a unique and emotional journey filled with twists and turns. The choices you make throughout the game will determine the outcome of your relationship with your bully, leading to multiple endings that reflect the complexity of teenage emotions.

With stunning artwork, a compelling storyline, and memorable characters, "My Sweet Bully" is a must-play for fans of visual novels and romance games. Explore the highs and lows of high school romance in this captivating game that challenges players to look beyond first impressions and discover the true heart of their bully. Are you ready to uncover the secrets of your sweet bully's heart?

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