Game Description

In the vast and mystical world of Middle-earth, a new hero rises to challenge the forces of darkness in the ultimate battle for survival. Middle-earth: The Shadow Bundle combines two critically acclaimed games - Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor and Middle-earth: Shadow of War - into one epic collection that will immerse players in an unforgettable journey through the lands of Middle-earth.

In Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor, players take on the role of Talion, a ranger who is bound to the spirit of the elf lord Celebrimbor. Together, they seek revenge against Sauron and his minions for the slaughter of Talion's family. As players traverse the open-world environment of Mordor, they will encounter iconic characters from J.R.R. Tolkien's beloved fantasy universe, forging alliances and battling enemies in a dynamic and evolving world.

Middle-earth: Shadow of War picks up where Shadow of Mordor left off, as Talion and Celebrimbor continue their quest to defeat Sauron and his dark forces. With an expanded Nemesis system that allows players to recruit and command their own army of orcs, the stakes are higher than ever in this thrilling sequel. Players will navigate through a vast and diverse landscape, from the fiery depths of Mount Doom to the lush forests of Nurn, all while facing new challenges and enemies at every turn.

The Shadow Bundle offers players the chance to experience both games in one convenient package, with all the DLC content and expansions included. Whether you're a fan of the Lord of the Rings series or simply love epic fantasy adventures, Middle-earth: The Shadow Bundle is sure to captivate and challenge players of all skill levels.

With stunning visuals, immersive gameplay, and a richly detailed world to explore, Middle-earth: The Shadow Bundle is a must-have for any gamer looking for an unforgettable journey through one of the most beloved fantasy universes of all time. So pick up your sword, rally your allies, and prepare to embark on an epic quest that will test your courage, strength, and wit in the battle against the darkness that threatens to consume Middle-earth.

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