Game Description

"The Sims 4: Fashion Street Kit" is the ultimate expansion pack for fashion-forward Sims players who want to elevate their virtual wardrobe to the next level. This expansion pack introduces a whole new world of high-end fashion and luxury shopping experiences for your Sims to enjoy.

With the Fashion Street Kit, players can take their Sims on a shopping spree through the trendiest boutiques and designer stores in town. From chic dresses and stylish suits to extravagant accessories and glamorous shoes, there's something for every fashionista to discover and add to their Sims' closets.

But it's not just about shopping – the Fashion Street Kit also offers new career opportunities for Sims interested in pursuing a career in the fashion industry. Your Sims can now become fashion designers, stylists, or runway models, and work their way up the ranks to become the next big thing in the fashion world.

In addition to the new career options, the Fashion Street Kit also introduces a variety of new gameplay features to enhance your Sims' fashion experience. Players can now host fashion shows, attend exclusive VIP events, and even create their own fashion lines to showcase to the world.

But the fun doesn't stop there – the Fashion Street Kit also includes a range of new build and buy items to help players create the ultimate fashion-forward living spaces for their Sims. From luxurious walk-in closets to stylish dressing rooms, there are plenty of new items to help your Sims live out their fashion dreams in style.

Overall, "The Sims 4: Fashion Street Kit" is a must-have expansion pack for any fashion enthusiast looking to take their Sims' style game to the next level. With its stunning visuals, exciting gameplay features, and endless fashion possibilities, this expansion pack is sure to keep players entertained for hours on end. So, grab your virtual credit card and get ready to hit the streets in style with "The Sims 4: Fashion Street Kit".

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