Game Description

In the highly anticipated expansion pack for Evil Genius 2: World Domination, players are treated to a fiery new addition with the Team Fortress 2: Pyro Pack. This collaboration between Rebellion Developments and Valve Corporation brings the iconic Pyro character from the beloved Team Fortress 2 game into the world of evil geniuses and world domination.

As players dive into the Pyro Pack, they will discover a whole new layer of chaos and destruction to unleash upon the world. With the Pyro's signature flamethrower and gas mask, players can wreak havoc on their enemies and watch as their evil empire grows stronger and more formidable.

But the Pyro Pack isn't just about burning everything in sight. Players will also have access to new traps, minions, and lair upgrades inspired by the Pyro's unique style. From fiery traps that incinerate unsuspecting intruders to loyal minions who revel in the chaos of flames, players will have a plethora of new tools at their disposal to further their quest for world domination.

The Pyro Pack also introduces a new storyline that delves into the origins of the Pyro character and their motivations for joining forces with evil geniuses. Players will uncover secrets and unravel mysteries as they progress through the campaign, all while experiencing the same humor and charm that fans of Team Fortress 2 have come to love.

With stunning graphics, immersive gameplay, and a soundtrack that sets the mood for world domination, the Pyro Pack is a must-have expansion for fans of Evil Genius 2 and Team Fortress 2 alike. Whether you're a seasoned evil genius or a newcomer to the world of supervillainy, the Pyro Pack offers a fresh and exciting experience that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.

So gather your minions, prepare your traps, and unleash the power of fire with the Team Fortress 2: Pyro Pack for Evil Genius 2: World Domination. It's time to show the world what true evil looks like.

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