Game Description

GreedFall: The De Vespe Conspiracy is an exciting expansion to the critically acclaimed action RPG, GreedFall. Developed by Spiders and published by Focus Home Interactive, this expansion takes players on a thrilling new adventure in the fantastical world of Teer Fradee.

Set in a 17th century-inspired world filled with magic, monsters, and political intrigue, players will once again step into the shoes of De Sardet, a diplomat exploring the mysterious island of Teer Fradee on behalf of the colonial powers of the Congregation of Merchants. In The De Vespe Conspiracy, players will uncover a new web of secrets and deception as they navigate the treacherous waters of diplomacy and power struggles.

The expansion introduces a brand new questline that delves deeper into the machinations of the enigmatic secret society known as The De Vespe Conspiracy. As players unravel the conspiracy, they will encounter new allies and foes, face tough moral choices, and ultimately decide the fate of Teer Fradee.

In addition to the new questline, The De Vespe Conspiracy also brings new weapons, armor, and skills for players to master. With new challenges and enemies to overcome, players will need to hone their combat skills and strategic thinking to survive the dangers of the island.

The expansion also introduces new areas to explore, including the city of Hikmet, where players will encounter new factions and characters with their own agendas. From the bustling streets of Hikmet to the untamed wilderness of Teer Fradee, players will embark on a thrilling journey filled with twists and turns.

With its rich storytelling, immersive world-building, and engaging gameplay, GreedFall: The De Vespe Conspiracy is a must-play for fans of the original game and newcomers alike. Dive into the world of Teer Fradee once again and uncover the secrets that lie beneath the surface in this gripping expansion. Are you ready to uncover the truth behind The De Vespe Conspiracy?

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