Game Description

"Kissed by the Baddest Bidder: Scattered Cards - Soryu" is a thrilling otome visual novel game that will sweep you off your feet with its intense storyline, captivating characters, and heart-pounding romance. In this installment, players will dive deep into the world of underground auctions and dangerous criminals as they navigate the complex relationships and high-stakes drama that unfold in the seedy underworld.

As the protagonist, you find yourself caught in a web of deceit and danger when you are unexpectedly thrust into the world of the Black Market, a shadowy organization that deals in illegal goods and services. Soryu Oh, the enigmatic and brooding leader of the Ice Dragons, one of the most powerful crime syndicates in Tokyo, takes an interest in you and offers you protection in exchange for your loyalty.

But as you delve deeper into the dark underbelly of the criminal underworld, you soon realize that nothing is as it seems and that trust is a luxury you can't afford. With danger lurking around every corner and your heart torn between duty and desire, you must make difficult choices that will ultimately determine your fate and the fate of those around you.

The gameplay of "Kissed by the Baddest Bidder: Scattered Cards - Soryu" is a mix of visual novel storytelling and interactive decision-making, allowing players to shape the outcome of the story through their choices and actions. Will you choose to trust Soryu and become entangled in the dangerous world of the Ice Dragons, or will you forge your own path and defy the expectations of those around you?

With stunning artwork, a gripping plot, and sizzling romance, "Kissed by the Baddest Bidder: Scattered Cards - Soryu" is a must-play for fans of otome games and thrilling narratives. Immerse yourself in a world of danger, passion, and intrigue as you navigate the treacherous waters of the criminal underworld and discover where your heart truly lies. Are you ready to be kissed by the baddest bidder?

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