Game Description

"Emily is Away" is a nostalgic indie game that takes players on a journey through the early 2000s, where instant messaging was the main form of communication and emotions ran high in online relationships. Set in the fictional world of "AOL Instant Messenger," players take on the role of a high school student named Emily's friend, who navigates their way through conversations with her over the course of five years.

The game is presented in a chat interface that mimics the look and feel of early instant messaging programs, complete with customizable screen names, profile pictures, and away messages. As players type out responses to Emily's messages, they must choose from a selection of pre-written responses that will shape the course of their relationship with her.

Throughout the game, players will witness the ups and downs of Emily's life, from high school drama to college decisions and everything in between. As the years pass, players will have to make difficult choices that will impact the outcome of their friendship with Emily, ultimately leading to one of several possible endings.

"Emily is Away" is a unique gaming experience that captures the essence of growing up in the digital age, where relationships were formed and tested through the glow of a computer screen. With its heartfelt story, relatable characters, and immersive gameplay, this game is sure to evoke feelings of nostalgia and make players reflect on their own past online interactions.

So, grab your virtual buddy icon and get ready to dive into the world of "Emily is Away," where every message sent and received could change the course of your friendship forever.

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