Game Description

"Is Lupin Still Flirting?" is a captivating and immersive visual novel game that takes players on a thrilling journey through the world of espionage, mystery, and romance. Set in the bustling streets of Paris, players take on the role of a young and ambitious detective tasked with solving a series of high-profile thefts orchestrated by the infamous master thief, Lupin.

As players delve deeper into the intricate web of clues and puzzles left behind by Lupin, they must navigate through a complex narrative filled with twists, turns, and unexpected revelations. The game offers a unique blend of romance and intrigue, allowing players to interact with a diverse cast of characters, each with their own motives and secrets to uncover.

With stunning hand-drawn artwork and a dynamic soundtrack that sets the mood for each scene, "Is Lupin Still Flirting?" immerses players in a rich and vibrant world where every choice they make can lead to different outcomes. Will you trust your instincts and follow your heart, or will you let logic and reason guide your decisions?

The game features multiple branching storylines and endings, ensuring that each playthrough offers a fresh and engaging experience. Whether you're a fan of visual novels or simply love a good mystery, "Is Lupin Still Flirting?" is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.

So, are you ready to unravel the mysteries of Paris and uncover the truth behind Lupin's enigmatic charm? Play "Is Lupin Still Flirting?" and find out for yourself. It's time to put your detective skills to the test and see if you have what it takes to outsmart the master thief himself.

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