Game Description

Welcome to the World's Fair Pack for Planet Coaster! This exciting expansion pack brings the thrill and wonder of international expositions to your very own theme park. Immerse yourself in the sights, sounds, and flavors of the world as you create a global showcase of innovation and culture.

With the World's Fair Pack, you'll have access to a plethora of new rides, attractions, and decorations inspired by the diverse cultures and traditions of countries around the globe. From iconic landmarks like the Eiffel Tower and the Taj Mahal to delicious street food stalls serving up tasty treats from every corner of the earth, the possibilities are truly endless.

Take your guests on a journey through time and space as they explore pavilions dedicated to different eras and regions, each offering a unique blend of entertainment and education. Whether it's a futuristic exhibit showcasing cutting-edge technology or a nostalgic tribute to the golden age of steam, there's something for everyone to enjoy.

But the World's Fair Pack isn't just about showcasing the best of humanity – it's also about pushing the boundaries of what's possible in your park. Experiment with new building techniques, create intricate themed areas, and design jaw-dropping coasters that will leave your guests breathless. With the power of imagination at your fingertips, the sky's the limit.

So gather your team of talented designers, engineers, and artists, and get ready to embark on a thrilling adventure across the globe. The World's Fair Pack is waiting for you, and it's time to show the world what you're made of. Are you ready to create the ultimate international exposition in Planet Coaster? Let the journey begin.

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