Game Description

Epicinium is a unique and innovative turn-based strategy game that combines elements of strategy, environmental awareness, and moral decision-making. Developed by A Bunch of Hacks, this indie game challenges players to not only outwit their opponents but also consider the impact of their actions on the environment.

Set in a post-apocalyptic world where humanity has ravaged the planet with war and pollution, players must lead their chosen faction to victory while also striving to minimize the damage to the environment. The game features a variety of factions to choose from, each with their own strengths, weaknesses, and special abilities. From the aggressive Warmongers to the eco-friendly Conservationists, players must carefully consider their faction's playstyle and adapt their strategies accordingly.

The core gameplay of Epicinium revolves around tactical combat and resource management. Players must carefully manage their units, buildings, and resources to outmaneuver their opponents and secure victory. However, what sets Epicinium apart from other strategy games is its unique environmental mechanic. Every action taken by players, from firing a weapon to building a factory, has a direct impact on the environment. Deforestation, pollution, and climate change are just some of the consequences of careless actions, and players must balance their desire for victory with their responsibility to protect the planet.

In addition to its innovative gameplay mechanics, Epicinium also features a compelling single-player campaign and competitive multiplayer modes. The campaign follows the story of a group of survivors trying to rebuild society in the wake of a global catastrophe, while multiplayer allows players to test their skills against friends and strangers alike. With a variety of maps, game modes, and customizable options, Epicinium offers endless replayability and a unique gaming experience every time.

Overall, Epicinium is a thought-provoking and engaging strategy game that challenges players to think critically about their decisions and the impact they have on the world around them. With its blend of strategic gameplay, environmental awareness, and moral dilemmas, Epicinium is a must-play for fans of strategy games looking for a fresh and unique gaming experience. Are you ready to lead your faction to victory and save the planet from destruction? Play Epicinium today and find out!

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