Game Description

Welcome to the vibrant and musical world of DreamWorks Trolls Remix Rescue: Deluxe Character Pack! Join your favorite Trolls characters in an exciting adventure filled with catchy tunes, colorful visuals, and loads of fun.

In this deluxe character pack, you'll get to play as all your beloved Trolls, including Poppy, Branch, Guy Diamond, and many more! Each character comes with their own unique abilities and special moves, allowing you to mix and match your team for the ultimate rescue mission.

The game takes place in the fantastical world of Trolls, where the evil Bergens have captured all the music-loving creatures. It's up to you and your team of Trolls to embark on a daring rescue mission to save them and bring music back to the land.

As you journey through the various levels, you'll encounter challenging puzzles, exciting boss battles, and plenty of opportunities to show off your dancing skills. With the help of your trusty Trolls friends, you'll need to use teamwork, strategy, and a whole lot of rhythm to outsmart the Bergens and save the day.

But it's not all about the action – DreamWorks Trolls Remix Rescue: Deluxe Character Pack also offers plenty of customization options for your characters. Dress them up in funky outfits, decorate their homes with colorful decorations, and unlock special power-ups to enhance their abilities.

With its engaging gameplay, vibrant visuals, and infectious music, DreamWorks Trolls Remix Rescue: Deluxe Character Pack is sure to delight players of all ages. So grab your headphones, gather your friends, and get ready to embark on a musical adventure like no other!

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