Game Description

"Before I Forget" is a captivating and emotional indie video game that takes players on a deeply personal journey through the eyes of a woman named Sunita, who is struggling with early-onset dementia. As players explore Sunita's home, they must piece together her memories and unravel the mystery of her past before they slip away forever.

The game's narrative is beautifully crafted, seamlessly blending Sunita's present reality with fragmented memories of her life before dementia took hold. Through exploration and interaction with objects in the environment, players uncover clues that slowly reveal the truth behind Sunita's condition and the relationships that have shaped her life.

The game's art style is simple yet striking, with a minimalist aesthetic that mirrors Sunita's fractured memories. The music and sound design are equally evocative, enhancing the emotional impact of the story and drawing players deeper into Sunita's world.

What sets "Before I Forget" apart from other narrative-driven games is its unique perspective on mental illness and the ways in which it can shape our identities. By immersing players in Sunita's experience, the game challenges them to confront their own assumptions about memory, loss, and the nature of self.

Ultimately, "Before I Forget" is a poignant and thought-provoking exploration of what it means to hold onto our memories in the face of inevitable change. It is a game that will linger in players' minds long after they have finished playing, prompting them to reflect on the fragility of memory and the enduring power of human connection.

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