Game Description

"Saint Kotar: The Yellow Mask" is a captivating and eerie point-and-click adventure game that will immerse players in a dark and mysterious world filled with secrets, puzzles, and psychological horror. Set in the remote town of Sveti Kotar, players take on the roles of two protagonists - Benedek and Nikolay, as they unravel a twisted tale of madness, cults, and supernatural forces.

The game's striking hand-drawn art style and haunting soundtrack create a chilling atmosphere that will keep players on the edge of their seats as they explore the town's sinister secrets. From the eerie abandoned asylum to the foreboding church, every location in "Saint Kotar: The Yellow Mask" is meticulously detailed and dripping with atmosphere, making the game feel like a living, breathing nightmare.

As players investigate the town and interact with its strange inhabitants, they will be faced with moral dilemmas, mind-bending puzzles, and horrifying revelations that will challenge their perceptions of reality and morality. The choices players make throughout the game will have far-reaching consequences, shaping the story and ultimately determining the fate of Benedek and Nikolay.

With its gripping narrative, complex characters, and immersive gameplay, "Saint Kotar: The Yellow Mask" is a must-play for fans of psychological horror and atmospheric adventure games. Prepare to be drawn into a world of darkness and despair, where nothing is as it seems and the line between sanity and madness blurs. Can you uncover the truth behind the yellow mask and survive the horrors of Sveti Kotar? Only time will tell.

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