Game Description

In the bustling city of New Haven, there is a quaint little shop tucked away on a quiet street, known simply as the "Full Service Shop". This unassuming storefront may not look like much from the outside, but inside lies a world of magic and mystery just waiting to be discovered.

As the newest employee at the Full Service Shop, you are tasked with helping customers find the perfect items to fulfill their deepest desires. From rare antiques to enchanted trinkets, the shop is filled with a treasure trove of unique items that hold the power to change lives.

But there's more to this shop than meets the eye. As you delve deeper into its secrets, you'll uncover a hidden world of magic and mayhem, where ancient curses and powerful artifacts lurk around every corner. Can you navigate this mysterious realm and unlock the shop's true potential?

As you assist customers and solve puzzles, you'll earn gold coins that can be used to purchase new items for the shop, upgrade its decor, and unlock special abilities that will aid you on your journey. Will you choose to focus on building your business empire, or will you explore the darker side of the shop's magic and uncover its deepest secrets?

With stunning hand-drawn graphics, immersive gameplay, and a captivating storyline, Full Service Shop is a unique and engaging experience that will keep you coming back for more. So grab your enchanted compass and step into the world of the Full Service Shop – adventure awaits!

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