Game Description

"The Sims 4: Cats and Dogs Plus My First Pet Stuff Bundle" is the ultimate expansion pack for all pet lovers and virtual pet owners. This bundle combines two popular expansion packs - Cats and Dogs and My First Pet Stuff - to bring even more furry friends and adorable companions into your Sims' lives.

With the Cats and Dogs expansion, players can create and customize their own pets, from playful puppies to mischievous kittens. Choose from a variety of breeds, colors, and personalities to make your pet truly unique. Take your furry friends to the vet for check-ups, teach them tricks, and dress them up in cute outfits. Watch as your pets interact with each other and with your Sims, bringing joy and companionship to their lives.

The My First Pet Stuff pack adds even more pet-related content to the game, including small pets like hamsters, rats, and hedgehogs. Create cozy habitats for your small pets, decorate their cages with toys and accessories, and watch as they scurry around and play. Dress your small pets in adorable outfits and give them plenty of love and attention to keep them happy and healthy.

In addition to the new pet content, this bundle also includes new gameplay features and items to enhance your Sims' lives. Build a veterinary clinic to care for sick pets, explore the new world of Brindleton Bay with your furry friends, and decorate your Sims' homes with pet-themed furniture and decorations.

Whether you're a cat person, a dog person, or a lover of all animals, "The Sims 4: Cats and Dogs Plus My First Pet Stuff Bundle" has something for everyone. Immerse yourself in a world full of adorable pets, heartwarming moments, and endless possibilities as you create your own virtual pet paradise. Adopt a furry friend, pamper them with love and care, and watch as they become an essential part of your Sims' lives. Get ready for hours of fun and excitement with this must-have expansion pack for The Sims 4.

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