Game Description

"Fire Emblem: Three Houses - Cindered Shadows" is an expansion pack for the critically acclaimed tactical role-playing game "Fire Emblem: Three Houses". Set in the same world of Fódlan, this DLC takes players on a brand new adventure with a new storyline, characters, and challenges.

In "Cindered Shadows", players take on the role of Byleth, the protagonist of "Fire Emblem: Three Houses", as they explore the mysterious Abyss beneath the Garreg Mach Monastery. Here, they will encounter a group of outcast students known as the Ashen Wolves, who have been living in the shadows away from the main school.

The Ashen Wolves each bring their own unique skills and abilities to the table, adding a new layer of strategy to the gameplay. Players will have to carefully plan their moves and make use of each character's strengths to overcome the challenges that await them in the Abyss.

The DLC features new maps, enemies, and weapons for players to discover, as well as new classes and abilities to unlock. The story of "Cindered Shadows" is filled with twists and turns, as players uncover the secrets of the Abyss and the true nature of the Ashen Wolves.

With its engaging storyline, challenging gameplay, and new characters to meet, "Fire Emblem: Three Houses - Cindered Shadows" is a must-play for fans of the series. Whether you're a seasoned tactician or a newcomer to the world of Fódlan, this expansion pack offers hours of thrilling gameplay and a fresh take on the beloved "Fire Emblem" franchise. Are you ready to delve into the shadows and uncover the truth hidden beneath the surface? Join Byleth and the Ashen Wolves on their journey in "Cindered Shadows" and see where their adventures will take you.

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