Game Description

In the world of "Arranged," players are thrust into a dystopian society where arranged marriages are the norm. Set in a futuristic city where love is forbidden and relationships are strictly controlled by the government, players must navigate through a complex web of intrigue, deception, and forbidden romance.

As a young protagonist, players are forced into an arranged marriage with a stranger chosen by the government. However, as they delve deeper into the mysteries of their new spouse and the society they live in, they begin to uncover dark secrets and hidden agendas that threaten to tear their world apart.

The game offers a unique blend of visual novel storytelling, choice-driven gameplay, and puzzle-solving elements. Players must make difficult decisions that will impact their relationships, alliances, and ultimately the fate of the society they live in.

With stunning visuals, immersive sound design, and a gripping narrative, "Arranged" transports players to a world where love is a dangerous game and trust is a luxury. Will you defy the rules and fight for true love, or will you play by the government's twisted rules to survive in this harsh society?

With multiple endings and branching storylines, "Arranged" offers a high replay value as players explore different paths and outcomes based on their choices. Dive into a world of intrigue, betrayal, and forbidden love in "Arranged," where nothing is as it seems and the only way to survive is to trust your instincts.

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