Game Description

"The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters" is a spine-chilling survival horror game that will leave players on the edge of their seats. Set in the eerie and atmospheric world of Sehwa High School, players take on the role of Mina Park, a high school student who finds herself trapped in a twisted version of her school after falling into a coma.

As Mina navigates the dark and haunting corridors of the school, she must evade the terrifying Vicious Sisters, demonic entities that seek to hunt her down and claim her soul. Players must use their wits and stealth to outsmart the Sisters and uncover the dark secrets that lie hidden within the school's walls.

The game features stunning hand-drawn visuals that bring the nightmarish world of Sehwa High School to life in vivid detail. From the eerie flickering lights to the blood-curdling screams that echo through the halls, every aspect of the game is designed to immerse players in a truly terrifying experience.

In addition to its immersive atmosphere, "The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters" boasts challenging gameplay that will test players' skills and nerves. From solving intricate puzzles to sneaking past the Sisters undetected, every decision made by the player will have consequences that shape the outcome of the game.

With its gripping storyline, intense gameplay, and haunting visuals, "The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters" is a must-play for fans of the horror genre. Are you brave enough to uncover the dark secrets of Sehwa High School and escape the clutches of the Vicious Sisters? Play now and find out.

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