Game Description

"The Sims 4: Discover University" is the latest expansion pack for the popular life simulation game, The Sims 4. In this exciting new addition, players can send their Sims off to college to experience all the ups and downs of university life.

Players can choose from two different universities, the historic University of Britechester or the modern Foxbury Institute, each with its own unique campus and atmosphere. Sims can enroll in a variety of different degree programs, from the arts to sciences, and even explore new fields like computer science and villainy.

Once enrolled, Sims can attend classes, participate in extracurricular activities, and even join a secret society. They can live in dorms with roommates, form study groups, and pull all-nighters to cram for exams. And of course, there's plenty of time for socializing, whether it's throwing epic parties, joining a protest, or starting a romantic relationship.

But college isn't all fun and games. Sims will have to balance their academic responsibilities with their social life, taking care of their needs and managing their time effectively. They'll face challenges like homesickness, failing grades, and even the dreaded "Freshman 15".

"The Sims 4: Discover University" also introduces a range of new gameplay features, including a new career path as a professor, the ability to live off-campus in a rental property, and the chance to build skills like research and debate. Players can also customize their Sims with new clothing, hairstyles, and furniture inspired by collegiate life.

With its immersive gameplay, engaging storylines, and endless possibilities for creativity, "The Sims 4: Discover University" is sure to be a hit with fans of the series. Whether your Sims are bookworms, jocks, or party animals, there's something for everyone in this exciting new expansion pack. So pack your bags, grab your textbooks, and get ready to discover the thrill of higher education in the world of The Sims 4.

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