Game Description

"Eliza" is a thought-provoking indie game that delves into the complexities of artificial intelligence and human connection. Set in a near-future world where AI technology is becoming increasingly integrated into everyday life, players take on the role of Evelyn, a young woman who becomes a proxy for a virtual therapy program called Eliza.

As Evelyn, players navigate through various clients’ lives, offering them support and guidance through Eliza’s scripted responses. However, as Evelyn delves deeper into the lives of these clients, she begins to question the ethics of Eliza and the impact it has on human emotion and relationships.

The game explores themes of mental health, technology, and the ethical implications of AI in a nuanced and thought-provoking way. Players are forced to confront their own beliefs and biases as they make decisions that will ultimately shape the outcome of the game.

Visually, "Eliza" is stunning, with its minimalist design and atmospheric soundtrack creating a sense of immersion that draws players into its world. The writing is sharp and engaging, with well-developed characters and dialogue that feels authentic and relatable.

Overall, "Eliza" is a unique and compelling game that challenges players to think critically about the role of technology in our lives and the importance of human connection in an increasingly digital world. It’s a must-play for anyone interested in narrative-driven games that tackle complex themes with intelligence and empathy.

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