Game Description

In the immersive and emotionally charged video game "But You Seem Fine," players are thrust into the shoes of a character struggling with mental health issues. As the protagonist navigates through their daily life, players are confronted with the challenges of managing their mental health while trying to maintain a facade of normalcy to those around them.

The game delves deep into the complexities of mental illness, exploring themes of stigma, self-care, and the importance of seeking help. Through a series of interactive choices and branching storylines, players must make decisions that will impact their character's mental well-being and relationships with others.

One of the most striking aspects of "But You Seem Fine" is its innovative gameplay mechanics. Players must balance their character's mental health meter, which fluctuates based on their actions and choices. Neglecting self-care or engaging in unhealthy behaviors will cause the meter to drop, leading to consequences such as decreased performance at work or strained relationships with friends and family.

The game also features a unique support system mechanic, where players can reach out to friends, therapists, or support groups for help when their character is struggling. Building and maintaining these relationships is crucial to the protagonist's overall well-being and can lead to positive outcomes in the game.

Visually, "But You Seem Fine" is stunning, with a hand-drawn art style that captures the emotional depth of the story. The soundtrack, composed by award-winning artists, adds another layer of immersion to the gameplay experience, evoking a range of emotions from melancholy to hope.

Overall, "But You Seem Fine" is a thought-provoking and poignant exploration of mental health that challenges players to confront their own attitudes and beliefs surrounding the topic. With its engaging gameplay mechanics, compelling narrative, and beautiful aesthetics, this game is a must-play for anyone looking to gain a deeper understanding of the complexities of mental illness.

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