Game Description

In the heart of a remote African village lies a hidden secret that threatens to unleash a deadly epidemic upon the world. Welcome to "Ebola Village", a chilling and intense survival horror video game that will test your wits, courage, and survival skills in the face of a terrifying outbreak.

As a brave and resourceful journalist, you have been tasked with investigating the mysterious disappearances and strange occurrences in the village. But what you uncover is far more sinister than you could have ever imagined. The villagers are infected with a deadly strain of the Ebola virus, turning them into bloodthirsty and aggressive creatures with a thirst for human flesh.

Armed with only your wits and a few basic supplies, you must navigate the treacherous streets and dark alleys of the village, avoiding the infected at all costs. Your goal is simple: survive and escape before the virus consumes you. But it won't be easy. The infected are relentless, and the village is a maze of narrow streets and hidden passages that will test your navigation skills to the limit.

As you explore the village, you will uncover clues and information that will help you unravel the mystery behind the outbreak. From hidden documents and journal entries to audio recordings and disturbing messages scrawled on the walls, every discovery brings you one step closer to the truth. But beware, for the infected are never far behind, and one wrong move could mean a swift and gruesome end.

To survive in "Ebola Village", you must use your stealth, cunning, and quick thinking to outsmart the infected and find a way out. Use the environment to your advantage, setting traps and distractions to lure the infected away from your path. Scavenge for supplies and weapons to defend yourself, but remember that resources are scarce and every decision counts.

With its haunting atmosphere, gripping storyline, and intense gameplay, "Ebola Village" will keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. Can you uncover the truth behind the outbreak and escape the village before it's too late? Or will you become another victim of the deadly virus? The choice is yours. Good luck, and may you survive the horrors that await in "Ebola Village".

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