Game Description

In the post-apocalyptic world of Crossout, chaos reigns and survival is the ultimate goal. In the latest expansion, Horsemen of Apocalypse - War, players are thrust into a world where the four legendary horsemen - War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death - have risen to power and are wreaking havoc on the wasteland.

As a fearless warrior, you must navigate the treacherous landscape, battling rival factions and scavenging for resources to build your ultimate war machine. Customize your vehicle with an arsenal of weapons, armor, and gadgets to crush your enemies and emerge victorious in the fierce battles that await.

The Horsemen of Apocalypse expansion introduces a new storyline that delves deeper into the lore of the Crossout universe, giving players a chance to uncover the secrets of the horsemen and their sinister motives. Along the way, you'll encounter new enemies, challenges, and opportunities to prove your worth as a warrior in this brutal world.

But beware, for the horsemen are not to be underestimated. Each one possesses unique abilities and strengths that will test your skills and strategic thinking. War brings relentless aggression, Famine starves you of resources, Pestilence spreads disease and decay, and Death...well, Death speaks for itself.

In Horsemen of Apocalypse - War, the stakes are higher than ever as you fight for survival in a world on the brink of destruction. Will you rise to the challenge and become a legendary hero, or will you fall victim to the horsemen's wrath? The choice is yours, but choose wisely, for the fate of humanity hangs in the balance.

Are you ready to face the Horsemen of Apocalypse and emerge victorious in the ultimate battle for survival? Grab your weapons, customize your ride, and prepare for war in Crossout: Horsemen of Apocalypse - War. The wasteland awaits, and only the strongest will survive.

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