Game Description

Rad Rodgers: Radical Edition is a retro-inspired platformer that brings back the nostalgia of classic 90s gaming while adding a modern twist. Developed by Slipgate Studios and published by THQ Nordic, this game follows the adventures of Rad, a young boy who gets sucked into his TV and transported to a world filled with dangerous creatures and challenges.

The game features vibrant and colorful graphics that pay homage to the pixel art style of old-school platformers, but with updated visuals that make the world of Rad Rodgers feel fresh and exciting. The environments are beautifully detailed, from lush forests to dark caves, each filled with secrets to discover and enemies to defeat.

Rad is accompanied by Dusty, his foul-mouthed, sentient game console, who provides witty commentary and helpful tips throughout the game. Together, they must navigate through a variety of levels, each with its own unique obstacles and puzzles to solve. From jumping across platforms to shooting enemies with an array of weapons, Rad Rodgers offers a mix of classic platforming gameplay with modern mechanics that keep the experience engaging and challenging.

One of the standout features of Rad Rodgers: Radical Edition is the inclusion of local co-op multiplayer, allowing players to team up with a friend to take on the game together. This adds a new layer of fun and camaraderie to the experience, as you strategize and work together to overcome the game's toughest challenges.

The Radical Edition of Rad Rodgers also includes additional content such as new levels, characters, and weapons, giving players even more to explore and enjoy. With its catchy soundtrack, humorous dialogue, and addictive gameplay, Rad Rodgers: Radical Edition is a must-play for fans of classic platformers and anyone looking for a fun and nostalgic gaming experience. So grab your controller, jump into the world of Rad Rodgers, and get ready for an adventure like no other.

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