Game Description

Welcome to "Alibi: The Dinner Party", a thrilling interactive mystery game that will put your detective skills to the test. In this game, you play as a renowned investigator who has been invited to a lavish dinner party hosted by the wealthy and enigmatic Mr. Blackwood. As you mingle with the guests, you soon realize that there is more to this gathering than meets the eye.

The evening takes a sinister turn when Mr. Blackwood is found dead in his study, and it is up to you to unravel the mystery of his murder. With a cast of eccentric and suspicious characters, each with their own motives and alibis, you must gather clues, interrogate suspects, and piece together the evidence to uncover the truth behind the crime.

As you navigate through the opulent mansion, you will encounter a series of challenging puzzles and obstacles that will test your deductive reasoning and problem-solving skills. From hidden passageways to secret compartments, every corner of the estate holds a clue that could lead you closer to solving the case.

But beware, not everyone at the dinner party is who they claim to be, and the truth may be more elusive than you think. With multiple endings and branching storylines, your choices and actions will determine the outcome of the investigation, making each playthrough a unique and engaging experience.

Immerse yourself in a world of intrigue, deception, and suspense as you uncover the secrets of "Alibi: The Dinner Party". Can you crack the case and unmask the killer, or will you become another victim of the deadly game being played behind closed doors? The fate of Mr. Blackwood and his guests lies in your hands. Good luck, detective.

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