Game Description

Minesweeper Genius is a captivating puzzle game that combines the classic gameplay of Minesweeper with a fresh and innovative twist. In this game, players take on the role of a genius archaeologist named Aristotle, who must navigate through a series of challenging mazes filled with hidden mines.

The objective of Minesweeper Genius is simple: uncover all of the safe tiles on the grid without triggering any of the mines. Players must strategically deduce the locations of the mines based on the numbers revealed when a tile is clicked. These numbers indicate how many mines are adjacent to that tile, helping players to narrow down their choices and make educated guesses.

What sets Minesweeper Genius apart from traditional Minesweeper games is the introduction of a new gameplay mechanic: the ability to move in a straight line until encountering an obstacle. This feature adds an extra layer of complexity to the puzzles, requiring players to carefully plan their moves and anticipate the consequences of each decision.

As players progress through the game, they will encounter increasingly challenging levels that will test their logic and deduction skills. With over 130 handcrafted puzzles to solve, Minesweeper Genius offers hours of addictive gameplay that will keep players coming back for more.

The game also features a charming art style and an engaging soundtrack that immerses players in Aristotle's world of ancient ruins and hidden treasures. With its intuitive controls and challenging gameplay, Minesweeper Genius is a must-play for fans of puzzle games and Minesweeper enthusiasts alike.

Overall, Minesweeper Genius is a delightful blend of classic Minesweeper gameplay and innovative mechanics that will keep players entertained and engaged from start to finish. Whether you're a casual gamer looking for a fun challenge or a seasoned puzzler seeking a new twist on a familiar concept, Minesweeper Genius is sure to delight and captivate players of all skill levels. So grab your magnifying glass and get ready to put your deductive skills to the test in this exciting and addictive puzzle adventure!

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