Game Description

Jurassic World Evolution 2: Prehistoric Marine Species Pack is an exciting expansion pack for the popular simulation game that allows players to dive deep into the prehistoric oceans and discover a whole new world of marine creatures. This pack introduces a variety of new species that once roamed the seas millions of years ago, bringing a whole new level of excitement and challenge to the game.

Players will have the opportunity to create and manage their own marine parks, complete with a variety of prehistoric marine species such as the fearsome Megalodon, the graceful Plesiosaurus, and the powerful Dunkleosteus. With stunning graphics and realistic animations, players will feel like they are truly immersed in a world that has long been extinct.

In addition to the new marine species, the pack also includes new challenges and missions for players to tackle, as they strive to create the ultimate marine park and attract visitors from around the world. From breeding and caring for these ancient creatures to designing the perfect habitats for them to thrive, players will have their hands full as they work to build the park of their dreams.

The Prehistoric Marine Species Pack also introduces new gameplay mechanics, such as underwater feeding stations, diving expeditions, and interactive shows that will keep players engaged and entertained for hours on end. With a focus on authenticity and attention to detail, this pack is sure to delight fans of the Jurassic World Evolution series and newcomers alike.

Overall, Jurassic World Evolution 2: Prehistoric Marine Species Pack is a must-have expansion for fans of the game who are looking to expand their horizons and explore the wonders of the prehistoric oceans. With a wealth of new content to discover and explore, this pack is sure to provide hours of entertainment and excitement for players of all ages. So dive in and experience the thrill of managing your own marine park filled with ancient creatures that once ruled the seas!

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