Game Description

"Turmoil: The Heat Is On" is a thrilling expansion to the popular simulation game "Turmoil" that takes players back to the oil rush era in the 19th century. As a budding oil tycoon, you must navigate the treacherous world of oil drilling, land leasing, and market manipulation to strike it rich in the booming oil industry.

In this expansion, players are faced with new challenges and opportunities as they delve deeper into the oil-rich lands of the Wild West. With new mechanics such as geysers, earthquakes, and tar pits, players must adapt their strategies to overcome these obstacles and emerge victorious in the cutthroat world of oil drilling.

The game features a dynamic economy where prices fluctuate based on supply and demand, forcing players to carefully manage their resources and investments to maximize profits. Players can also engage in bidding wars with rival oil barons to secure lucrative land leases, expand their drilling operations, and outmaneuver their competition.

With a vibrant and immersive art style, "Turmoil: The Heat Is On" brings the excitement and chaos of the oil rush era to life. From bustling towns and dusty oil fields to rowdy saloons and bustling markets, the game captures the essence of the Wild West in stunning detail.

Whether you're a seasoned oil tycoon or a newcomer to the industry, "Turmoil: The Heat Is On" offers a challenging and rewarding gameplay experience that will test your skills and strategic acumen. So grab your pickaxe, stake your claim, and get ready to strike it rich in the untamed frontier of the oil rush era.

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