Game Description

"I Was Trying to Make a Game, But My Dog Was Sitting On My Lap" is a charming and quirky indie game that combines the love for video games with the adoration for our furry companions. In this delightful simulation game, players take on the role of a game developer who is trying to create their next big hit, but there's a catch - their loyal dog won't leave their lap!

As players navigate through the game development process, they must juggle the challenges of coding, designing, and testing their game all while their adorable dog sits comfortably on their lap, demanding attention and affection. The game presents a humorous and heartwarming take on the everyday struggles of balancing work and play, showcasing the unconditional love and companionship that our pets provide.

With its charming pixel art style and endearing soundtrack, "I Was Trying to Make a Game, But My Dog Was Sitting On My Lap" offers a unique and immersive gaming experience that will resonate with dog lovers and gamers alike. Players will find themselves laughing, sighing, and ultimately falling in love with their virtual canine companion as they embark on this heartfelt journey of creativity and companionship.

Throughout the game, players will encounter various challenges and obstacles that reflect the real-life struggles of game development, such as bugs, deadlines, and creative blocks. However, with their loyal dog by their side, players will find the strength and motivation to overcome these challenges and create a game that is truly special and unique.

"I Was Trying to Make a Game, But My Dog Was Sitting On My Lap" is more than just a game - it's a love letter to our furry friends and a celebration of the joy and inspiration they bring to our lives. So grab your controller, snuggle up with your dog, and get ready to embark on a heartwarming and hilarious adventure that will leave you smiling from ear to ear.

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