Game Description

Addoku is a unique blend of two classic puzzle games, Sudoku and addition. In this captivating and challenging game, players must use their math skills and logic to solve puzzles by filling in a grid with numbers while following specific rules.

The game begins with a grid of empty squares, each square representing a number. The objective is to fill in the grid so that each row, column, and 3x3 subgrid contains the numbers 1 to 9, without repeating any numbers. However, in Addoku, there is a twist - players must also follow the rule that the sum of numbers in each row or column must equal a specific target number.

This twist adds an extra layer of complexity and strategy to the traditional Sudoku puzzle, requiring players to carefully calculate and place numbers in a way that satisfies both the addition and Sudoku rules. It challenges players to think critically, plan ahead, and use their math skills to solve each puzzle.

Addoku offers a variety of difficulty levels, from easy to expert, ensuring that players of all skill levels can enjoy the game. Beginners can start with simpler puzzles to learn the rules and strategies, while more experienced players can tackle challenging puzzles that require advanced problem-solving skills.

The game features a sleek and intuitive interface, making it easy to navigate and play on both mobile devices and desktop computers. Players can track their progress, compete with friends, and challenge themselves to improve their solving skills.

With its addictive gameplay, brain-teasing puzzles, and unique combination of Sudoku and addition, Addoku is a must-play for puzzle enthusiasts and math lovers alike. Are you ready to put your math skills to the test and conquer the world of Addoku? Give it a try and see if you have what it takes to become a master solver!

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