Game Description

In the post-apocalyptic world of "Flotsam," players must navigate the vast ocean on a floating city made of salvaged debris in search of resources, survivors, and a new home. As the leader of a group of drifters, your goal is to build and expand your floating settlement, while also exploring the endless expanse of the open sea.

The game's stunning hand-drawn art style immerses players in a beautifully desolate world where the remnants of civilization float aimlessly in the water. From abandoned skyscrapers to sunken ships, every piece of debris holds the potential for survival and growth.

Players must scavenge for resources like wood, metal, and food to keep their settlement afloat and their inhabitants fed. Fishing, diving, and salvaging are just a few of the ways to gather the supplies needed to survive in this harsh environment.

But it's not just about survival - players must also keep their drifters happy and healthy by building homes, providing entertainment, and fostering a sense of community. As the population grows, new challenges will arise, testing your leadership and decision-making skills.

Exploration is a key element of "Flotsam," with players able to send out expeditions to discover new locations, meet other survivors, and uncover the mysteries of the deep. From underwater ruins to hidden islands, there are countless secrets waiting to be uncovered in the vast ocean.

As players progress, they can upgrade their settlement with new buildings, technologies, and defenses to protect against the dangers of the sea. From shark attacks to storms, the ocean is a harsh and unforgiving place, and only the most resourceful and resilient drifters will survive.

"Flotsam" offers a unique blend of city-building, survival, and exploration, set against the backdrop of a beautifully desolate world. With its captivating art style, engaging gameplay, and endless possibilities for discovery, this game is sure to keep players hooked as they navigate the treacherous waters of the post-apocalyptic ocean. Dive in and see if you have what it takes to thrive in this watery wasteland.

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