Game Description

In the vast expanse of the cosmos, there exists a realm unlike any other - a place where reality bends and shifts, where the laws of physics are mere suggestions, and where the very fabric of existence is malleable. This is the world of External Visions, a mind-bending, reality-warping video game that will challenge your perception of what is real and what is merely a figment of your imagination.

In External Visions, you play as a lone traveler who has stumbled upon a mysterious portal that leads to a parallel dimension filled with strange and otherworldly landscapes. As you navigate through this surreal realm, you will encounter bizarre creatures, mind-bending puzzles, and mind-blowing visual effects that will leave you questioning your own sanity.

The gameplay in External Visions is unlike anything you've experienced before. As you explore the world around you, you will need to manipulate the environment in order to progress. This may involve shifting the very fabric of reality, altering the laws of physics, or even bending time itself to your will. Each level presents a unique challenge that will test your problem-solving skills and your ability to think outside the box.

But External Visions is more than just a game - it's a journey into the unknown, a voyage into the depths of your own consciousness. As you delve deeper into this strange and enigmatic world, you will uncover secrets and mysteries that will challenge your perception of reality and leave you questioning the nature of existence itself.

The visuals in External Visions are truly a sight to behold. The game features stunning, otherworldly landscapes that will transport you to a realm beyond your wildest imagination. The art style is surreal and dreamlike, with vibrant colors, intricate details, and mind-bending visual effects that will leave you breathless.

But don't let the beauty of External Visions fool you - this is a game that will push you to your limits. The challenges you will face are as complex and perplexing as the world around you, and only those with a keen eye for detail and a sharp mind will be able to unravel the mysteries that lie within.

So, are you ready to embark on a journey into the unknown? Are you prepared to test the limits of your perception and challenge the boundaries of reality itself? If so, then step through the portal and into the world of External Visions. But be warned - once you enter this strange and enigmatic realm, there may be no turning back.

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