Game Description

"Underhand" is a captivating card-based strategy game that will challenge your decision-making skills and test your ability to navigate a mysterious and dark world. Set in a Lovecraftian universe, players take on the role of a cult leader, tasked with expanding their influence and summoning ancient beings to gain power and control over the city.

As you delve deeper into the secrets of the occult, you will encounter a variety of challenges and obstacles that will require careful planning and resource management. The game features a unique deck-building mechanic, where players must strategically choose which cards to play in order to achieve their goals and outwit their opponents.

The art style of "Underhand" is dark and atmospheric, perfectly capturing the eerie and unsettling atmosphere of the game's world. The sound design is equally haunting, adding to the sense of unease and tension as you make your way through the game.

One of the most compelling aspects of "Underhand" is its branching narrative, which allows players to make choices that will impact the outcome of the game. Will you choose to ally yourself with powerful entities, or will you betray them for your own gain? The decisions you make will shape the fate of your cult and determine your ultimate success or failure.

Overall, "Underhand" is a gripping and immersive experience that will keep you on the edge of your seat as you navigate the treacherous world of the occult. With its engaging gameplay, intriguing storyline, and eerie atmosphere, this game is sure to captivate fans of strategy and horror alike. So gather your followers, draw your cards, and prepare to uncover the dark secrets that lie hidden beneath the surface in "Underhand".

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