Game Description

Mystic Messenger: April Fool's 2017 DLC is a special edition of the popular otome game that takes players on a whimsical and hilarious journey through the world of the RFA (Rika's Fundraising Association). This DLC was released as a limited-time event to celebrate April Fool's Day, and it quickly became a fan favorite for its unique blend of humor, romance, and mystery.

In this DLC, players are invited to join the RFA as they prepare for a charity event hosted by the enigmatic and mischievous character, Unknown. The game's usual cast of characters, including Zen, Yoosung, Jaehee, Jumin, and 707, are all present, but with a twist – their personalities have been completely flipped upside down. Players will find themselves laughing out loud as they interact with these new versions of the characters, each more outrageous and hilarious than the last.

The gameplay in Mystic Messenger: April Fool's 2017 DLC remains true to the original game, with players receiving text messages, phone calls, and emails from the characters as they navigate through the story. However, the conversations and interactions are filled with jokes, pranks, and unexpected twists that keep players on their toes. From Zen's sudden obsession with cats to Jumin's newfound love of hip-hop, every character brings something unique and entertaining to the table.

As players progress through the DLC, they will uncover hidden secrets and unravel mysteries that will leave them questioning everything they thought they knew about the RFA and its members. With multiple endings to discover and new routes to explore, Mystic Messenger: April Fool's 2017 DLC offers hours of entertainment for both longtime fans of the game and newcomers alike.

Overall, Mystic Messenger: April Fool's 2017 DLC is a must-play for anyone looking to inject some lighthearted fun and laughter into their gaming experience. With its charming characters, engaging storylines, and delightful sense of humor, this DLC is sure to leave players smiling from ear to ear. So gather your friends, grab your phone, and get ready for a wild and wacky adventure with the RFA in Mystic Messenger: April Fool's 2017 DLC.

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