Game Description

OlliOlli2: XL Edition is a fast-paced, adrenaline-pumping skateboarding game that will have you on the edge of your seat as you pull off insane tricks and combos to rack up the highest score possible. Developed by Roll7, this sequel to the critically acclaimed OlliOlli takes everything that made the original great and cranks it up to 11.

The XL Edition includes all the content from the original game, as well as new levels, challenges, and modes to keep you coming back for more. With its intuitive controls and smooth gameplay, OlliOlli2 is easy to pick up but difficult to master, making it a perfect game for both casual players and hardcore skateboarding enthusiasts.

One of the standout features of OlliOlli2 is its level design. Each level is meticulously crafted to provide a unique and challenging skateboarding experience. From urban streets to abandoned warehouses, each location offers its own set of obstacles and opportunities for you to show off your skills. Whether you're grinding rails, pulling off flips, or landing perfect manuals, every trick feels satisfying and rewarding.

In addition to the single-player campaign, OlliOlli2 also features a robust multiplayer mode that allows you to compete against friends and players from around the world. Test your skills in head-to-head matches or challenge yourself in daily challenges to see how you stack up against the best of the best.

The visuals in OlliOlli2 are vibrant and colorful, with a retro-inspired art style that pays homage to classic skateboarding games of the past. The soundtrack is equally impressive, featuring a mix of electronic and hip-hop tracks that will keep you pumped up and ready to shred.

Overall, OlliOlli2: XL Edition is a must-play for anyone who enjoys fast-paced, skill-based gameplay. With its addictive gameplay, challenging levels, and competitive multiplayer modes, this game will keep you coming back for more as you strive to become the ultimate skateboarding champion. So grab your board, hit the streets, and get ready to show off your skills in OlliOlli2: XL Edition.

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