Game Description

"Sisterly Bliss ~Don't Let Mom Find Out~" is a charming and heartwarming visual novel game that follows the story of two sisters, Aya and Saki, as they navigate the ups and downs of sibling relationships while trying to keep their forbidden love a secret from their strict mother.

The game begins with Aya and Saki, who have always been close sisters, discovering that their feelings for each other go beyond sisterly love. As they struggle to come to terms with their newfound emotions, they must also contend with the looming threat of their disapproving mother, who would never understand or accept their relationship.

Players take on the role of Aya, the older sister, as she tries to balance her love for Saki with the fear of being caught by their mother. Throughout the game, players will make choices that affect the sisters' relationship and determine their fate. Will they be able to keep their love a secret, or will their mother uncover the truth and tear them apart?

Featuring beautiful artwork, captivating storytelling, and a touching soundtrack, "Sisterly Bliss ~Don't Let Mom Find Out~" offers players a unique and emotional experience that explores themes of love, family, and acceptance. With multiple endings to discover, players will find themselves drawn into Aya and Saki's world, rooting for their love to prevail against all odds.

As players delve deeper into the sisters' story, they will uncover hidden secrets, face difficult decisions, and ultimately come to understand the true power of love and sacrifice. "Sisterly Bliss ~Don't Let Mom Find Out~" is a heartfelt and poignant tale that will stay with players long after they have finished the game.

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