Game Description

Sheltered is a post-apocalyptic survival game that challenges players to navigate a harsh and unforgiving world. Set in a world ravaged by nuclear war, players must guide a family through the dangerous and desolate wasteland in search of safety and security.

The game begins with players customizing their family members, choosing their skills and attributes to best suit the challenges ahead. As the game progresses, players must scavenge for resources, build and expand their shelter, and defend against threats from both the environment and other survivors.

One of the key mechanics in Sheltered is managing the needs of the family members, including hunger, thirst, and mental health. Players must balance these needs with the limited resources available, making tough decisions on how to allocate supplies and who to send out on dangerous expeditions.

The game also features a crafting system, allowing players to create tools, weapons, and other essential items to aid in their survival. Players can also recruit new survivors to join their shelter, each with their own unique skills and abilities to contribute.

Sheltered is a challenging and immersive experience that pushes players to think strategically and make tough decisions in order to survive in a hostile world. With its atmospheric graphics, tense gameplay, and deep mechanics, Sheltered is a must-play for fans of survival games and post-apocalyptic settings. Will you be able to keep your family alive in this harsh new world?

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