Game Description

"Is the Order a Rabbit?? Wonderful party!" is a delightful and charming video game that transports players to the quaint and cozy town of Rabbit House, where they can join in on the fun and whimsical adventures of the lovable characters from the hit anime series "Is the Order a Rabbit?".

In this exciting game, players take on the role of Cocoa Hoto, a cheerful and energetic young girl who has recently moved to the town and started working at the Rabbit House café. As Cocoa, players will interact with a colorful cast of characters, including the shy and mysterious Chino Kafu, the elegant and sophisticated Rize Tedeza, the playful and mischievous Chiya Ujimatsu, and the sweet and gentle Syaro Kirima.

Players will have the opportunity to explore the charming town of Rabbit House, taking part in various activities such as serving customers at the café, participating in fun events and mini-games, and forming bonds with the other characters through heartwarming conversations and interactions. As players progress through the game, they will uncover secrets about the town and its inhabitants, and discover the true meaning of friendship and community.

With its stunning visuals, engaging gameplay, and heartwarming storyline, "Is the Order a Rabbit?? Wonderful party!" is sure to captivate players of all ages and provide hours of entertainment and enjoyment. So grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and immerse yourself in the enchanting world of Rabbit House – where every day is a wonderful party!

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