Game Description

Step into the captivating world of Wingspan, a beautiful and strategic board game that brings the wonders of birdwatching to life like never before. In this immersive experience, players will take on the role of bird enthusiasts seeking to attract a diverse array of feathered friends to their wildlife reserves.

With the European Expansion, players can now discover a whole new variety of bird species native to Europe, each with their own unique abilities and characteristics. From the majestic Golden Eagle to the elusive Eurasian Lynx, the European Expansion adds a whole new dimension to the game, allowing players to create even more complex and rewarding strategies.

But the adventure doesn't stop there. With the Oceania Expansion, players can now explore the rich biodiversity of the Oceania region, home to some of the most unique and fascinating bird species in the world. From the vibrant Rainbow Lorikeet to the graceful Black Swan, the Oceania Expansion offers a whole new set of challenges and opportunities for players to explore.

And for those looking to add a touch of seasonal flair to their game, the Seasonal Decorative Pack offers a delightful selection of themed components and accessories to enhance the visual appeal of Wingspan. From festive holiday decorations to colorful seasonal tokens, the Seasonal Decorative Pack adds a charming and festive touch to the game, making it the perfect choice for any time of year.

With stunning artwork, engaging gameplay, and a wealth of content to explore, Wingspan + European Expansion + Oceania Expansion + Seasonal Decorative Pack is a must-have for any board game enthusiast. So gather your friends, set up your wildlife reserves, and get ready to embark on an unforgettable birdwatching adventure unlike any other.

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